Gooseneck Hill

We need Your Support!

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Become a Patron or Benefactor

If you would like to support Gooseneck Hill become a PATRON today for $10 per year. The fee entitles you to:
1. One free visit during normal visiting hours.
2. Volunteer opportunities.
3. Free training.
4. The satisfaction of knowing that you are helping preserve endangered and protected species.
Also please consider becoming a BENEFACTOR of Gooseneck Hill through planned giving: through your will, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance, pooled income funds and charitable funds.

Gooseneck Hill is a 501c3 corporation. It receives no federal, state or local funding. No salaries are paid to anyone and 100% of all donations are used for the care, propagation and preservation of the species. We have an annual fundraiser to defray some of the costs.
Adopt a bird and receive an 8.5"x11' color photograph and an adoption certificate. You can name your bird and have 1 free visit.
Cost: Duck = $25, Goose = $35, Eider Duck or Swan = $50.
If you would like to help save our endangered species and help build them a warm aviary for the winter, please donate here. Thank-you

Please donate here and help us!